What This Blog is Really About

Hi there amazing viewers of "Inspiration Vibration!" Now, may I just say, you guys are spectacular for coming and checking out this webpage. Come to this page to get inspiration for anything from acting to writing to science fair ideas. You can get this inspiration from anything from pictures to famous art pieces to poems that really speak to people. Thank you again, for coming to this page.

Monday, June 4, 2012

The Stroll, Painted by Claude Monet

This painting, by Claude Monet, is one of my favorites. It is believed to picture Camille, his wife, and their son, Jean. Also called woman with a parasol. Its so elegant, with it's flowing watercolors and old-time feel. The nature, the old clothes, and just the general wow-ness is a great piece of inspiration for me.  

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Therru's Song from Tales from Earthsea

Sorry I couldn't find the original voice (in English) but she did a lovely job. I love this song. It's just so beautiful, and actually made me cry the first time I heard it. This is from the Studio Ghibli movie, Tales from Earthsea. Therru's the one singing it, and if you haven't seen the movie, you really should, because Therru is such a strong female character. If you're stuck in a writing rut, try watching some foreign movies, because mot everything has to be done "the American way" or "the British way" or "the European way". There are so many beautiful story lines, so just go out and look for them! (Honestly, I would check out Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli, all their movies have such deep meaning to them,)

Friday, April 6, 2012

Michelangelo's Pieta

Art is always a good form of inspiration, and this sculpture inspired me the moment I saw it. It makes me think of romance drama etc., but for all I know it could make you think of pizza. It's supposed to represent Mary holding Jesus after the crucifixion. There are more than one of them, but this one, in my opinion, is the most striking.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Hello There Blog Viewers!

Komban Wa!(you know, if it's nighttime in Japan) You're probably wondering something along the lines of "What is this page, Inspiration Vibration, really about?" Well, let me tell you. This page is for when you're stuck in an inspiration rut and don't know where to go. Whether you're looking for a new inspiration for acting, writing, school papers, anything, just come here. It might be in the form of a picture, sculpture, painting, script, poetry, anything remotely inspirational. Now, I get inspired by jello, so what I find inspiring you may not (before you go commenting that this didn't help you). I hope you'll enjoy some of this stuff as much as I do (maybe even dream about it ). Well, have fun on my page!